10 free games for Xbox One and Series (free-to-play)

Check out our list of ten free games for Xbox One and Xbox Series S and X that deserve your attention and playing time.

There are dozens of free games available on Xbox One and Xbox Series S/X, all unique and fun, and the best part is that they cost nothing to play.

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To help with your choice, the Blog News Games prepared a list with 10 free games (free-to-play) which you can install right now on your console Xbox. Enjoy it much!

1. Warframe

Warframe it is a Free third-person sword and shooter game which combines elements of ninjas, armor and science fiction.

In it, players venture into player-versus-environment (PVE) cooperative battles, taking on the role of Tenno, ancient warriors in a war against various factions.

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During the game, players constantly improve their skills and armor.

  • Developer: Digital Extremes
  • Release date (Xbox One version): 2014
  • Optimized for Xbox Series S/X: Yes
  • Download Warframe Here

2. Rocket League

Rocket League became a free-to-play game in September 2020, allowing football fans with cars to enjoy exciting contests on a daily basis.

The game offers 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3 matches, where scoring goals is the main objective. Players can use maneuvers and strategies to win.

Furthermore, it is possible to customize vehicles in different ways and use special skins from franchises such as Fast and furious It is NFL.

3. Brawlhalla

Brawlhalla is an excellent example of free game which is easy to start playing and have fun, but challenging to master.

In it, you participate in 2D fights on platform scenarios, where a huge variety of characters (called Legends) is available to choose.

The cast includes many original characters, and occasionally features interesting crossovers, such as Ninja Turtles and fighters from WWE.

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Confrontations can involve up to eight simultaneous players, both online and locally, ensuring fun for everyone.

  • Developer: Blue Mammoth Games/Ubisoft
  • Release date of: 2017
  • Optimized for Xbox Series S/X: No
  • Download Brawlhalla Here


Fortnite it is a free game available not only in Xbox, but also on other platforms. It is a third-person multiplayer game that combines shooting with building platforms and walls. In the main mode, 100 players descend on an island to fight in an exciting “every man for himself”.

Players need to collect resources, equipment and weapons found around the map to defend themselves and attack their opponents, while the map's safe zone gradually shrinks.

In addition to the main mode, there are doubles and team matches, as well as temporary events that offer greater integration and fun for players.

5. Neverwinter

For fans of RPG, Neverwinter offers dozens of hours of fun in exciting adventures. The game takes place in the world of Dungeons & Dragons, full of dragons and other magical creatures.

As a MMO (massively multiplayer online) free-to-play, players are never truly alone, taking on missions with others.

Also noteworthy is the game's active community and its expansions that greatly enrich the experience as a whole.

6. Destiny 2

Destiny 2 offers a first-person shooter experience in a vast online world, full of players, in its free form.

In it, you can participate in cooperative adventures against powerful enemies or face other players in exciting PvP (player versus player) matches.

As your character (called the Guardian) progresses through the story, you gain levels, acquire new equipment, weapons and improve your skills.

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7. Paladins

Paladins It's a great option in the genre hero-shooter, especially as it is a free game on Xbox. It pits two teams of 5 players who choose their champions of different types for frantic battles.

The cast of characters is quite varied, with frequent rotations so players can try out new heroes without spending money.

Plus, the community is active, ensuring you always find matches quickly.

8. Apex Legends

Apex Legends revolutionized the genres of battle royale It is hero-shooter, surprising players with its dynamic and challenging gameplay.

In the game, teams of three players, each with a specialization class such as support, damage and tank, descend on an island to face other teams.

Communication is essential in Apex Legends, whether by audio or using the efficient resources of the free game, such as marking items or pointing out places of interest. A single game is enough to fall in love with Apex Legends on Xbox.

9. Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 was released in October 2022 and although it maintains many aspects of the first game, it offers a free competitive experience with five-on-five combat in 22 arenas.

The game features more than 35 charismatic heroes, including veterans and newcomers, who can be unlocked as the player progresses through fast-paced and exciting battles.

10. Call Of Duty: Warzone

Capitalizing on the success of titles free battle royale, The Activision-Blizzard launched Call of Duty: Warzone. With lots of action and constant updates, the game allows battles on extensive fields against up to 150 opponents, conquering your space among the free-to-play games on consoles, PRAÇA It is cell phones.

One positive point is that the game does not require an Xbox Live Gold subscription to play online in Warzone mode.


In summary, the availability of free-to-play games offers a great opportunity for players to explore a variety of gaming experiences with no upfront cost.

Titles like Fortnite, Rocket League, Paladins and others feature a diversity of genres and game styles, providing hours of entertainment without the need for initial financial investment.

Furthermore, the growing trend of optimizing for the latest consoles such as Xbox Series S/X, promises an even more enhanced experience for players, keeping games relevant and accessible on modern platforms.

So, enjoy this selection of free games and dive into exciting adventures without leaving the comfort of your Xbox console!

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