The free game Crab Game, inspired by Round 6, is a hit on Steam! Come and meet him!

Today we will talk about the free game Crab Game. Game inspired by the Netflix hit Roud 6.

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Netflix's vast catalog of series and films often serves as a source of inspiration for creating games. Round 6, directed by South Korean Hwang Dong-hyuk, is one of those productions that inspired Crab Game, a free game that is gaining enormous popularity on the Steam platform.

In 2021, taking advantage of the success of the series, the free game quickly won over some streamers and, eventually, stood out among the most popular on the PC platform.

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Last week, it managed to enter the top 20 most played titles on Steam.

Meet Round 6

For those unfamiliar with the premise of Round 6, the series revolves around a group of people who are taken to an isolated island to participate in various scavenger hunts. The center of it all is a substantial cash prize.

However, there is a catch: the missions are extremely violent and can cost participants their lives, resulting in a constant reduction in the list of characters with each challenge.

It's a somewhat harrowing experience, but Round 6 is a series worth checking out. So, here is the recommendation.

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In Crab Game, the premise is essentially the same as in Round 6, except that it doesn't involve the lives of real people.

Here, players face a series of dangerous missions inspired by the series, such as crossing a bridge with a false glass floor or pretending to be a statue in Potato Chips 1, 2, 3.

Is Crab Game good??

As for the quality of the game, Crab Game offers a multiplayer mode for up to 35 players per session, very reminiscent of a battle royale style. Players can use melee and firearm weapons to eliminate their opponents.

The game is presented in first person and offers nine play styles, each set on one of the 28 available maps. All of this is done with the aim of competing for the grand prize at the end.

In addition to its growing popularity, reviews on the platform also highlight its potential, with more than 150,000 “very positive” reviews recorded by Steam players. Therefore, it is an experience that is certainly worth it, especially since it is free.

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Does it run on my PC?

As for compatibility with your PC, if you are interested in Crab Game's proposal and are thinking about trying it out, here are the minimum and recommended requirements to run the game on your computer.

Here are the minimum and recommended requirements to run Crab Game on your PC:

Minimum requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows 7 – 64-Bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i3 2.00 GHz
  • Memory: 2GB RAM
  • Video card: Intel HD 520
  • Storage: 200 MB of available space

Recommended Requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows 10 – 64-Bit
  • Processor: Intel Core I5-4440 3.10 GHz
  • Memory: 4GB RAM
  • Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX650
  • Storage: 200 MB of available space


In short, Crab Game offers an exciting multiplayer experience full of challenges inspired by Round 6 series, which captivated viewers with its intense survival narrative.

With accessible requirements and engaging gameplay, Crab Game promises to entertain both fans of the series and players looking for new competitive adventures.

It's an exciting opportunity to dive into a world of cutthroat competition and cunning strategy, while enjoying an interactive homage to the impactful South Korean series.

Get ready to face intense challenges, forge alliances and fight for victory in Crab Game.

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