Nintendo Direct confirmed for September 14th

And the predictions came true my friends, Nintendo Direct confirmed for September 14th, tomorrow.

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The information was confirmed today by Nintendo on your Twitter.

However, the presentation of the Nintendo Direct It will start at 11 am, Brasília time and will last 40 minutes.

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So, let the predictions begin, what will the Nintendo Are you preparing to introduce us? Is there a new console coming? The supposed Nintendo Switch 2 Will it be confirmed?? Will Nintendo bring new franchise games?abandoned”? Let's have a heart!

New F-Zero on the way

Since the wave of predictions and rumors is on the rise, we are talking about a loud rumor in the community.

Pyoro, author responsible for numerous leaks on Nintendo community, had already warned us of a Nintendo Direct for this second week in September. Therefore, he also released information about new games coming to the console.

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However, one of the rumors most celebrated by the community was the return of one of the franchises most beloved by fans of the Nintendo, F-Zero.

Exactly my friends, according to Pyoro, The Nintendo is about to announce a new F-Zero for the Nintendo Switch. However, tomorrow we will find out if this rumor will come true. Credits abound Pyoro which also released the rumor of a new game from a certain beloved and renowned gorilla in the community.

New Donkey Kong coming

Yeah, I'm also looking forward and extremely excited for this Nintendo Direct on September 14th. O new Donkey Kong game is also coming, according to rumors. It is worth remembering that the last game in the franchise was Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, launched in 2014.

Of course, after that we got the “remake" at the Nintendo Switch, with new characters, however, with the same stages and gameplay.

Undeniably, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze it was a game, and it didn't deserve to be left alone Nintendo Wii U due to its sales failure. However, what we hope for is a new story about the most beloved gorilla in the gaming world.

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Yes! Pyoro confirmed the presence of Donkey Kong in direct, however, it left the community with a “I'm intrigued”.

Pyoro made a Tweet showing the Mario fight with Donkey Kong in the recently released film super Mario. Therefore, fans came to the conclusion that it would be a reboot of Mario vs. Donkey Kong. Very well-known franchise on Nintendo's portable consoles.

The game is a type of RPG and was popular in Nintendo Wii U, however, without much success.


Finally, we look forward to tomorrow, my friends, the forecasts are fantastic and give us hope of reliving past adventures, but now, in high definition.

Remembering that, for some time now, Nintendo doesn't perform that often. Most of the time it takes months to wait for news. What we are sure of is that something big is coming!!!

Remembering that the Blog News Games will cover all the Nintendo Direct on the 14th. So, stay tuned and don't miss any news first hand.

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